In order to connect Chekin to you SES.Hospedajes platform you need to mark this option in your SES account and fill the form:
In this form you will see a box to let me know "send communications via webservice".
You must check this box to be able to connect the Hospedajes account with Chekin.
That way you will receive the credentials to send via "web service" the data from Chekin to SES.Hospedajes from the email address [email protected]
The message you will receive once you have completed the SES.Hospedajes registration will look like this:
Note: we have highlighted in yellow the details you need to add in Chekin in order
to establish the connection between the two platforms.
Important: even if you use a different username to log in, you must add the username that appears in the email with a "WS" at the end.
Remember if you don't have a SES.Hospedajes account that you can create it from here:
Once you have created your SES.Hospedajes account, and received the above email, you will need to connect SES in Chekin. In order to do so please follow the below 7 steps:
Log in to your Chekin dashboard
Navigate to Properties and select the property you would like to connect SES to.
3. Click on Legal:
4. Activate the Police Connection:
5. Choose SES HOSPEDAJES from the dropdown menu:
6. Fill out the below 5 fields (police username, police password, accommodation code, renter code and payment type). You will find this information in the email which you will receive from the email address ´´[email protected]´´ once you create your SES Hospedajes account. The necessary information is highlighted in yellow in the email as in the below example:
The translation of fields from the email are as follows:
Usuario = Police username
Contraseña = Police account password
Código de establecimiento = Accommodation code
Código de arrendador = Renter code
Important: even if you use a different username to log in, you must add the username that appears in the email with a "WS" at the end.
7. Once you have filled out the 5 fields, click ´Validate´. This is the final step.