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Hostaway Integration

Learn how the integration between Hostaway and Chekin works

Updated over 5 months ago

The connection with Hostaway must be done on the account creation process.

Note: If you already have a Chekin account without the integration, please contact us using the chat or sending an email to [email protected] for further assistance.

You can create an account clicking the following button:

Connect with Hostaway

In the new account form:

1. Complete all personal data

Complete all personal data

2. Select "Yes" to connect a PMS


3. Select "Hostaway" from the options


4. Click "Continue"


5. Complete required data and connect

You need to add your Hostaway secret Key and account ID to connect both platforms. When you're done click "Connect with Hostaway" to complete the account creation.

Complete required data and connect

How to get Hostaway API key?

From your Hostaway account go to the API settings ​to get there:

  • Log in to your Hostaway account and go to “Settings”;

  • From the settings menu click on “Hostaway API”;

  • If you have never generated a key before, you will have to click on Generate API secret key; if you already have one then just copy the API key.

What data is imported from Hostaway to Chekin?

  • All listings

  • All active and upcoming bookings

    • Check-in check-out date

    • Lead guest name

    • Lead guest email

  • Virtual keys

    • Door codes are imported to the Remote Access feature in Chekin

Note: Remote Access is a premium feature, in order to use the virtual keys codes in Chekin, you'll need to upgrade your account.

If some data changes on your Hostaway account, the data is automatically updated on Chekin.

What information is synchronised between Chekin and Hostaway?

Some data is sent back from Chekin to your Hostaway account. In the table below what data is synchronised between both platforms and what you can expect from the integration once you have created your account.

You can find the online check-in link under the custom fields in your Hostaway account:

Identity verification status:

  • VERIFIED: identity verification process "Success".

  • NOT_VERIFIED: identity verification process "Not started".

  • ERROR: identity verification process "Not passed" (can be manually approved in Chekin dashboard - reservation details).

Check in online status:

  • MISSING_GUESTS: not all guests are registered.

  • GUEST_REGISTERED: when all guests are registered.

How to send Chekin´s check-in online link to your guests from Hostaway

Step 1: First you need to check the names of the place holders - at reservation level, in Custom fields section you can find the following placeholders:

Step 2: Go to inbox section and click on ‘Automation’: then click on ‘ Create new’

Step 3: Configure the template:

Step 4: Configure when you would like the guest to receive the email.

Step 5: Click ´Save´


I already have an account created, can I use my existing account for the Hostaway integration?

Unfortunately not, the connection with Hostaway requires to create a new Chekin account. Contact us in order to delete your former account.

Is the online check-in link retrieved in my Hostaway account?

Yes, we send the link of the online check-in back to Hostaway so you can use it in the messaging system. You can find it in the Custom fields tab within the reservation.

Is Chekin sending guests data back to my Hostaway account?

No, we don’t send guests data back to Hostaway.

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