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Beds24 Integration

Learn how the integration between Beds24 and Chekin works

Updated over 2 months ago

Welcome! We are glad you have opted for our solution! This is a quick guide to help you connecting your Beds24 account to Chekin and configurate your Chekin account properly.


  1. Registration in Chekin and connection

  2. Set up

  3. End of trial period: how to subscribe

  4. How to disconnect from Chekin

  5. Which info is synced with the integration and which are Chekin main features?

  6. How to get support from Chekin Team

  7. FAQs


The first thing you have to do is creating a Chekin account.

To do that follow these steps:

1 - Create your Chekin account by filling the info requested in the following form, click CONTINUE.

2 - Select the type of accommodations you have in your Beds24 account.

3 - After this, select the number of accommodations or rooms you manage via Beds24.

4 - In the next screen select Beds24 as the PMS you use and click on CONTINUE.

You will get access to your Chekin account.

Login and setup of your Chekin account

On your first login what you will have to do first is creating your properties.

Go to Properties section and click on New property:

Add the property information, useful to generate the guests registration form with all the info required by law. Then add also the credentials of your police account:

If you have more units add the other properties and once you have done it go back to your Beds24 account and go to the section of Chekin integration. Here you will find your listings. In case of managing vacation rentals for each of them you have to do the mapping this way:

  • Add Chekin username;

  • Add Chekin password;

  • Click on Save and then on "Get the House ID Codes for this CheKin account"

  • Select the right House ID for this listing;

  • Click on Save and tick on "Bookings"

  • Repeat for each listing on Beds24.

In case of having a hotel in Beds24 you have to do what described above and you have to tick on "Bookings" for each room you want to connect with Chekin.

Once you do this all the reservations will be automatically synced on Chekin!

Check here how to register guests with Chekin.

End of trial period: how to subscribe

Once you connect to Chekin you have a trial period of 2 weeks where you can register all the guests you receive in your accommodations.

When the trial ends, you need to complete your subscription to continue using the service. You can do this clicking on "subscribe now".

In order to subscribe after the trial, simply click on “Subscribe” and follow these steps:

1 - First, select the number of rooms or properties (for vacation rentals) of your subscription. The minimum for hotel plan is 20 rooms.

2 - Then, select your preferred billing period. You can choose between a monthly or a yearly subscription.

3 - Lastly, introduce your credit card’s details and proceed to pay for the subscription.

4 - Your Chekin subscription is complete!

Once you have an active subscription and a valid payment method, your subscription will automatically renew at the end of the period. You can change between monthly and yearly subscription whenever you want, and any changes in the number of active rooms or properties will automatically update your subscription so Chekin will charge you only for the active properties or rooms during the corresponding period. In the Billing section you can also check past invoices.

How to cancel your Chekin subcription

You have to access to your Chekin account to see the information about your subscription. You must access on our website. When you have access to your account, you must click on account configuration.

Next, you must go to your "billing" section. Here you can find a panel with basic information about you subscription tittled "current plan". This panel includes data about the plan you have choosen (hotel or housings), the number of properties or rooms you have and the type of subscription you have contrated (monthly or yearly).

Here you can cancel your plan in case you have decided to stop using our software (cessation of professional activity, dissatisfaction with our product, properties selling, price...).

How to get support from Chekin Team

If you have any doubts or find issues along the process, you can easily get help from your dashboard by clicking on “Help” at the top banner. You have 2 options: visit our help center or chat with us. You can also use the chat by clicking in the icon on the bottom right corner:

Also, you can send an email to [email protected]

Let’s sum it up: which info is synced with the integration and which are Chekin main features?

  • Once mapping is completed, all your bookings will be reflected on the Chekin dashboard too and if some info changes on Beds24 side it is automatically updated on Chekin too;

  • Online Chekin: you can stay relaxed, your guests will register their data online before the arrival;

  • Self Chekin: in case you allow remote access to your accommodation Chekin will help you requiring your guests to verify online their identity with a biometric match technology included in this premium feature

  • Legal compliance solved: forget about the manual registration of guests data on authorities websites and manual fulfillment of several docs, Chekin will take care of everything


I am a Chekin user already, can I use my existing account for the Beds24 integration?

Yes, you will need just to to do the mapping on Beds24 between your existing Chekin properties and Beds24 listings. After that all the reservations you have in Beds24 will be synced in Chekin.

How can I add bookings to my Chekin account?

All your Beds24 bookings will be synced in your Chekin account, so you don’t need to generate them again!

How frequently bookings are synced in Chekin?

Beds24 bookings are synced on Chekin every 10 minutes.

Is the online check-in link retrieved in my Beds24 account so I can add it to my PMS auto emails/messages?

Yes, for any reservation you will have on Beds24 a variable called CHEKIN_URL you can send via your email templates from Beds24.

Is Chekin sending guests data back to my Beds24 account?

No, for this integration we do not send guests data back to the PMS.

Is Chekin able to retrieve the source of the booking from Beds24? (e.g.:, Airbnb, Direct Booking)

No, for this integration we do not sync the booking source from the PMS.

Is Chekin available on mobile devices?

Yes, we also have a mobile app you can download from these links:

I am using the mobile app but I can’t change some settings of my account/properties

The app is only for managing reservations and registering guests. All your properties and account settings, as well as the documentation and billing information of your account can be managed from the online Dashboard.

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