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All CollectionsLegal requirements
Legal compliance per country
Legal compliance per country

In this article you will find the information of which legal requirements Chekin covers in different markets.

Updated over 4 months ago


We generate the entry forms within the guestbook as required by law and store it for the time required.

Police connections: Policia Nacional, Guardia Civil, Mossos d'Esquadra, Ertzaintza, SES Hospederia, Andorra (coming soon)

* Mossos is the only police website that everytime you register a guest it gives you back a document as a proof and we store it in the Dashboard in the section Documents>Mossos.

The other 3 police websites once you register a guest don't give any proof document back.

Tourist Taxes: possibility for the host to setup the right taxes calculator and charge the amount to guests during the online check-in. We cover both Cataluña and Balearics (for this last the only part missing is that from night 10 the fee of taxes decrease compared to the first 9 nights and we don't offer a way to setup a different fee).


ItalyPolice connection: Alloggiati web

ISTAT connections: Abruzzo - Turismo 5, Campania - EPT, Calabria - ROSS1000, Emilia Romagna - Turismo 5, Lombardia - Turismo 5, Marche - ROSS1000, Piemonte - ROSS 1000, Lazio - Radar, Puglia - SPOT DMS (XML), Puglia - SPOT EASY (TXT), Sardegna - ROSS1000, Toscana - Ricestat, Toscana - Turismo 5, Trento - STU, Veneto - ROSS1000, Liguria - ROSS1000, Sicilia - Osservatorio Turistico (coming soon)

* Alloggiati web create 1 document per police account only those days when at least 1 guest is registered as a proof and we store it in the Dashboard in the section Documents>Alloggiati.

The ISTAT websites once you register a guest don't give any proof document back.

Tourist Taxes: possibility for the host to setup the right taxes calculator and charge the amount to guests during the online check-in.


We generate the entry forms within the guestbook as required by law and store it for the time required.

Police connection: SEF

*SEF web doesn't give any proof document back once guests are registered.

Tourist Taxes: possibility for the host to setup the right taxes calculator and charge the amount to guests during the online check-in. We cover the whole country.


Police connection: DTCM, EMAAR

* DTCM website once you register a guest doesn't give any proof document back but hosts can download monthly from this portal a report and check guests registered.

Tourist Taxes: possibility for the host to setup the right taxes calculator and charge the amount to guests during the online check-in.


We generate the entry forms within the guestbook as required by law and store it for the time required.


We generate the entry forms within the guestbook as required by law and store it for the time required.

Police connection: Feratel, Capcorn (Joker cards);

Statistics: Vienna Tourism Statistics VIETour.

* Feratel web doesn't give any proof document back once guests are registered.


We generate the entry forms within the guestbook as required by law and store it for the time required.

Tourist Taxes: possibility for the host to setup the right taxes calculator and charge the amount to guests during the online check-in. We cover it for both classified and non classified accommodations.

For example in Paris we are able to replicate in the online check-in this formula:

Nightly rate (no fees, nights only), divided by number of guests, multiplied by 0.05 = X

If X is > or = to 4, then the nightly city tax rate applied to each adult is 5€

If X is >4 we take 25% (15% +10%) and multiply by number of adults and number of nights. The result will be the nightly city tax rate.


We generate the entry forms within the guestbook as required by law and store it for the time required.

Czech Republic

We generate the entry forms within the guestbook as required by law and store it for the time required.

Police connection: UbyPort

* Ubyport website everytime you register a guest it gives you back a document as a proof; at the moment we have all those documents stored in our back office and we plan to add a section called Ubyport in the Documents section of the dashboard soon so you can have a look at all those documents there.

In the meanwhile if you need those proofs you can just ask our support team and they can send them your way :)


Police connection: SIRE, TRA

*SIRE web doesn't give any proof document back once guests are registered.


We generate the entry forms within the guestbook as required by law and store it for the time required.


We generate the entry forms within the guestbook as required by law and store it for the time required.

Switzerland (Zurich only)

We generate the entry forms within the guestbook as required by law and store it for the time required.

Police connection: Stadt Zurich (it covers Zurich area only)

*Stadt Zurich web doesn't give any proof document back once guests are registered.


We generate the entry forms within the guestbook as required by law and store it for the time required.

Police connection: AVS


We generate the entry forms within the guestbook as required by law and store it for the time required.

Police connection: eVisitor

United Kingdom

We generate the entry forms within the guestbook as required by law and store it for the time required.

In all the countries mentioned above, we comply with all the requirements related to guests registration.

Anyway, take into account that Chekin is a solution that can be used worldwide: in most of the countries not listed above there is no legal requirement about guests registration so you can use our solution and comply with laws anyway :)

Also, the tourist taxes tool can be used in a ton of other countries, you just have to check once you jump in the software if the current set-up we offer covers also the taxes requirements in your country.

If you actually have your accommodations in a country not listed above and authorities require you to provide them the guests data or you want to use taxes feature but our current setup is not covering your use case, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at [email protected] and we can let you know when we could work on a new development to cover legal compliance or tourist taxes in your area too :)

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