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SES Hospedajes: Frequently Asked Questions
SES Hospedajes: Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the new connection with SES Hospedajes.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Spanish Ministry of the Interior has recently issued a new decree which introduces significant changes to the current regulations in Spain.

In this article you will find the most frequently asked questions regarding this integration.

Why do my bookings have an error status/why did I receive an email from SES Hospedajes that indicates an error with the submission of the data?

Over the last few days, some customers have received emails from SES Hospedajes regarding errors in their bookings. This below points are designed to guide you step-by-step on what to do if you receive one of these emails, ensuring you resolve the situation quickly and efficiently.

1) Bookings with status ‘incomplete’.

In this case the first thing you will have to do is to check if the status within the booking has changed.

The sending to SES Hospedajes differs from the sending to the National Police/Civil Guard because now you will no longer see the status ‘sent’.

SES will check the data that has been sent in the first attempt and the status within your booking will change to ‘SUCCESS’. Then once they confirm that the information they have receive is correct, the status will change in Chekin to ‘CONFIRMED’.

2) Emails from SES Hospedajes

If you have received an email from SES Hospedajes indicating that there is an error, the first thing you will have to do is:

1) Find the reservation in Chekin: SES Hospedajes will indicate in the email the date of the reservation with the error, this will be the date of entry.

2) Go into the booking and click on the names of the registered guests to check if there are any empty mandatory fields. It may be that when making the change of police connection, asking for more data, some forms have been left incomplete because the guest registered before you connected Ses Hospedajes.

You will need to check the information and complete all the empty fields.

3) Sent the data manually by clicking the "send manually" button which is located halfway down the page.

3) Email from SES Hospedajes indicating ´Ha de indicar el nombre de la persona´

If you receive an email from SES Hospedajes indicating the error ´Ha de indicar el nombre de la persona´ it means: "You must specify the person's name". This refers to the sending of the reservation itself to SES; there was an error as the guest's name is not included in the reservation in Chekin.

What you need to do in these cases is:

  1. Open your Chekin account.

  2. Review the reservations around the date mentioned in the SES email until you find the one with the batch number (lote) referenced in the SES email.

3. Add the lead guests full name to the booking:

4. Manually send the reservation using the "send manually" button in the "police movements" section.

4) Email from SES Hospedajes indicating ´Ha de informar una forma de contacto de la persona teléfono, teléfono 2 o correo´

If you receive an email from SES Hospedajes indicating this error it means ´"You must provide a contact method for the person: phone, alternate phone, or email." It typically pertains to the transmission of the actual reservation to SES. "RH" stands for "Reserva de Hospedaje." (Reservation) This notification is most commonly associated with bookings from Airbnb, as this platform does not provide guest email addresses.

What you will need to do to send the booking data is the following:

  1. Open your Chekin account.

  2. Review the reservations around the date mentioned in the SES email until you find the one with the batch number (lote) referenced in the SES email.

2. Add an email address ([email protected]) manually into the reservation in Chekin

3. In the reservation in Chekin, under the section POLICE MOVEMENTS, click on the ´Send booking data manually´ button

Note: If the reservation in Chekin does include a phone number or email address and the transmission status in Chekin is SUCCESS or CONFIRMED, then you can rest assured that there is no error and it simply means that SES mistakenly sent you the email.

If the phone number or email address IS available in your PMS integrated with Chekin but has NOT been imported to Chekin (if you have a PMS integration), please send us an example with corresponding screenshots to [email protected] so we can investigate the issue.

5) Postal Code Errors:

If you receive an email from SES indicating that the postal code is incorrect, you need to log into your Chekin account, open the reservation, and ensure that the guest has entered the postal code corresponding to their city. If it is not correct, update it with the correct code and then manually send the reservation from the middle of the page in the Police Movements section.

6) How can I manually send the guest data?

You need to log into your account and navigate to Reservations.

Open the reservation and scroll to the middle of the page to the Police Movements section.

Click the Send Guest Data Manually button.

NOTE: It is important that you DO NOT click the Send Manually button at the top of the page. We are working to ensure that the button at the very top functions properly in the future.

7) If Guests register after the automatic send time

The data is sent at 8:00 PM on the check-in day. If guests check in after that time, you must manually send the reservation using the "send manually" button located in the reservation in Chekin, under the "police movements" section.

Where to find the data in your SES account that is sent from Chekin:

  1. From the SES website, access the second option "Acceso a la consulta y envío de comunicaciones de actividades de hospedajes o alquiler de vehículos" to log in either with certificate (@ icon) or user/password (lock icon)

2. Once inside, look for the "My communications" option and click "Access"

3. Set the "Type of communication" (if Guest registration "Parte viajeros" or Booking registration "Reserva de hospedaje") and select the date range and click the search button.

4. Results will be displayed below


  • Click in "Lots"

  • Add the batch code, select the type of request and the date range and click search

If after reviewing this article you require further assistance please contact support via chat or by sending an email to [email protected].

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